Freitag, 3. Februar 2017

Lʙ. 2020

Skin- Glam Affair - Kika Applier ( Catwa ) America 03 RARE **New @ The Gacha Garden**
Head- CATWA HEAD Annie Vampire V4.10
Hair- /Wasabi Pills/ Tara Mesh Hair **New @ Fameshed**

Hoodie- -Pixicat- Hoodie.Cropped (Dark) **New**
Leggings- Vinyl - Leia Leggings Pak **New @ Fameshed**
Legwarmers- Vinyl - Sulu Legwarmers Pak **New @ Fameshed**

Scarlet Creative Catskills Lodge **@ Luxebox Jan. Round**
Rules for Luxebox: 
>> Pay L$1,500 to join the Luxe Box group in-world every month.
The group opens on the 1st of the month and you have until the 14th at 11:59PM SLT to join. 
You must join and remain in the group to receive your Luxe Box.
>> All items in the Luxe Box are exclusive to the box. You can only get Luxe Box offerings 
through Luxe Box. If you miss a box, you can purchase it at our in-world boutique for L$2,000. 
You must be a member of the group to do so.
Stockholm&Lima:Ambrosia Palette #2 [A] **New @ Fameshed**
Stockholm&Lima:Ambrosia Blanket Pile [A] **New @ Fameshed**
Each Piece contains LOTS of textures- Access these while you are sitting!
Each Piece contains wholly different animations (cept for the solo seats in the palettes)
Each Palette Contains:
7 Solo Sits (same in each palette)
6 Cuddles (different in each palette)
6 Adult Animations (different in each palette) 
The blanket pile contains:
5 Solo Sits (not the same as the ones in the palettes)
5 Cuddles
2 Additional Adult Solo Poses
6 Adult Animations.
Total breakdown-
12 PG Solo animations
18 Cuddles
20 Adult Animations
Remember, PG sets are ONLY available during the event.
*YS&YS* Fast&Curious Set - 04 Back Yellow RARE 
*YS&YS* Fast&Curious Set - 15 Wall Clock 
*YS&YS* Fast&Curious Set - 06 Tyres Plant 
*YS&YS* Fast&Curious Set - 11 Sign A 
*YS&YS* Fast&Curious Set - 07 Coffee Table A 
*YS&YS* Fast&Curious Set - 08 Coffee Table C
*YS&YS* Fast&Curious Set - 10 Candle D 
*YS&YS* Fast&Curious Set - 10 Candle E 
MishMish - Corgi Puppy - Stance 1 
MishMish - Corgi Puppy - Stance 2 **@ Luxebox Jan. Round**
Rules for Luxebox: 
>> Pay L$1,500 to join the Luxe Box group in-world every month.
The group opens on the 1st of the month and you have until the 14th at 11:59PM SLT to join. 
You must join and remain in the group to receive your Luxe Box.
>> All items in the Luxe Box are exclusive to the box. You can only get Luxe Box offerings 
through Luxe Box. If you miss a box, you can purchase it at our in-world boutique for L$2,000. 
You must be a member of the group to do so.

K&S ~ Independet 1 **New**


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